
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Early Morning in the Kitchen

The weather outside is dreary, but inside it is peaceful and quiet on this early Tuesday morning.

It smells yummy too, like banana nut bread is baking in the oven...I so enjoy burning scented candles.  I'm making our morning coffee with the soothing combination of candle light and soft flickering shadows from the antique hurricane, a gift from mom.

This and today's weather is making me long for fall!
Hope you have a blessed day...

"Because of the tender mercy of our God, the rising sun will come to us from heaven."
Luke 1:78


  1. Hi Cindy,
    So nice to see you post hon, have missed you, but certainly get why!! How is that wonderful grand
    baby doing? Mine just started first the time does go!
    Looks like a nice peace filled morning and I am with you so looking forward to Fall, we want
    really see it till about mid to late October but I am looking forward to starting my Fall
    (fake myself out) decorating soon. It will be Fall inside at least!! lol
    Take care hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  2. I was happy to see your post too and hope you are well and enjoying a nice week! Hugs, Diane

  3. Cindy,
    Early morning is my favorite time of the day.
    Like you, I enjoy my coffee with my daily devotional and some meditation.
    Reading Beth Moore this year and she is taking me through the life of David!
    Beautiful hurricane. . .especially special gift from your Mom!

  4. So glad to get your post! I'm a dedicated subscriber and I have missed you!

  5. Very nice. Hope you are doing well.


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