
Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Find for the Guest Room

I have a thing for lamps, especially antique marble lamps and I always keep an eye out for them, but they are usually too pricey.  Not this time!

While on the way to Florida to visit family for Easter, Mr. Heart and I stopped in one of our favorite antique shops and there she was.

I remember seeing her last year when visiting this shop, but she was too pricey.  This time when I went to check the price the tag was so faded we couldn't read it.

So I asked the shop owner, "Can you please tell me how much for the marble lamp in the back room?  The tag is too faded to read."

So she headed to the back room with me and putting her glasses on so she could get a closer look, as she was peering in at the price tag I said,
"You know that faded tag is a sign.  It's a sign this lamp has been here to long and it's time to sell her!" (giggle, giggle)  And she agreed!

Here she is...

I don't believe I've ever shown you this upstairs guest room before.
The wall color was chosen back when this was my daughter's bedroom which was a l-o-n-g time ago.
And through the years this room has become the landing spot for pieces of furniture that used to be in other places in the house that ended up in here.  Do you have a room like this, a catch-all room?

The details with the deep gray veining and intricate carvings
are so pretty, don't you think?

Do you like her?

Check out my other marble lamp find here 
"Little Lamp Love" here.

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  1. I've never seen a lamp like that! So pretty. And what luck that it was still there for a lower price!

  2. Love love your new lamp Cindy!! Such a pretty room!

  3. I love you lamp, it looks great in your guest room ;-)


  4. Oh love that new lamp, so pretty. What a great find.

  5. I agree, your lamp is just gorgeous!! What a special find :)

  6. It's a beautiful lamp...I can't believe it was there all that time, just waiting to go home with you. Congrats on the great find.

  7. Hi Cindy,
    Isn't that just the neatest thing when you see something you love but don't want to spend a fortune for it, then later you get it half price or less.........I am a firm believer that good things come to those who wait on the Lord.
    It is a beautiful lamp, love all the details and the veining as you say. Your lil birds go with it perfectly too.
    Lovely room, it reminds me of a bed and the sewing machine night stand. My grandmother
    had one just like it, and my aunt took the treadle part and had them cut it off and put a glass top on it for a coffee
    table. It looked neat, but I like it the way you have it best.

    Does your grandmother live anywhere near the Orlando area by any chance?? Nice you got to get away for a bit
    and visit her, I am sure she was thrilled. Sounds like you had a good time.........

    Blessings, Nellie

  8. Oh, Cindy, the lamp is beautiful! I don't think I could have passed it up the first time. And it looks perfect in your guest room in front of the floral prints.

    I do have a "catch all" room but it isn't anywhere near as neat as yours! Ha!


  9. Hi Cindy, Marble is one of my favorite mineral/stones. I will be putting it in my kitchen and bathrooms as we begin our rebuilding process. This lamp is so pretty;) It's timeless. This guest room looks so welcoming .. I miss our home and can't wait to get through this transition time so I can enjoy quiet home life. Thanks for stopping by and visiting, commenting on my last blog post. The transition to WP was very difficult. I'm working someone new and he's fantastic and I'm looking forward to the finished product. I've had to add everyone (manually!) back to the blog roll. You are up! You still have my old address so you won't see updates. Try this one


  10. I also have athing for lamps and this one is beautiful. I also love the prints above the sidetable it's on. Great find.

  11. Cindy, how wonderful it was for you to be able to finally get that beautiful lamp! It is GORGEOUS! I love this room..looks oh so cozy...your style is so my style too...I am such a traditionalist! I am also admiring that mirror frame hung above the bed... what cool way to frame other wall art! Thanks for the inspiration!

  12. What a wonderful room. I love the white spread with the floral dust ruffle. Beautifully decorated!

  13. That is a wonderful lamp and it looks right at home in that room...which I think is very pretty, by the way! I hope she gave you a good price on it-with a faded tag in her hand! xo Diana

  14. Cindy,
    I have almost the identical lamp and it is Italian Alabaster and not really marble.......I love mine. It is in my Den.


  15. So pretty Cindy! I adore your guest suite, so cozy!

  16. I love that lamp!!!...and your guest room is beautiful!!

  17. Lovely guest room. Love the old mirror over the bed. so unique.

  18. Wow Cindy - that's a wonderful story - so glad it was there waiting for you and at a better price! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,


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