
Friday, February 7, 2014

I'm Just a Girl...So What Do I Know?!

In the beginning I told you I'd share the good,

the bad,

and ALL the other stuff that goes along with this remodel.

Well, it's time for some of the other stuff.

Remember when I was doing cartwheels because the floor was finished, and we were excited to move the furniture back in the great room so we could start demo in the kitchen?

Well, it's been a month since they began laying the wood floors and they aren't finished yet!

It was looking so pretty...

We couldn't wait to get back from our trip to Florida so we could place the furniture in this room,
but out of no where several areas with dark stains had appeared while we were gone....

These floors were sealed but not stained, because Brazilian Cherry darkens over time.
So when the floor guy back out to look at the spots,
he said that stain had somehow gotten on some of the flooring.

They sanded the spotty areas,
and brushed sealer on the sanded spots,
but when it dried he wasn't happy with it.  (Neither were we)

So he wanted to lightly sand and reseal the floor again...

Did I tell you it's been a month since they started the floors in this room?

It's been frustrating for us all,
but we are so thankful that our floor guy wants it to look great
and since he did the rest of our hardwoods...we have complete faith in him!

when the sealer dried,
this is how it looked...

Everywhere you looked there was dust, debris, and bubbles of dried sealer all over the floor...

So they came back again today to sand,
and scrape the sealer spots and debris off the floor...

But just as they were leaving I mentioned that it looked like some areas didn't get covered with sealer...

But I was assured it was OK,
and he'd be back later in the day to take a peek.

Later in the day when he came back,
this is what he saw...

I may not be a floor installer,
but I have eyes,
and the sealer wasn't covering in some areas,
and if he had come right back when I called him they could have taken care of things while it was still wet.
BUT, they didn't and it dried that way.

I'm just a girl...what do I know!

They are coming back tomorrow to cover these spots with a little sealer,
and I am hoping it goes better than the last time they tried to cover a couple of spots with sealer,
we'll see!

Yes, I'm still's taking a little more effort...but still smiling!

Join us each week for AMAZE ME MONDAY!


  1. Yikes! What an ordeal, hope it resolves soon. I've had a similar pricey laminate floors have failed for the third time in a a year due to factory error...ugh! These were professionally installed. We've installed laminate several times ourselves over the years with complete success. Hope the third time is a charm for the replacement. Good luck to you! Jane

  2. Oh my goodness! It took them that long and they still aren't done and it's messed up? Wow, I don't know what to tell you. That really sucks.

  3. Hi Cindy,
    Sorry to hear you are having such a time with your floors.........but glad you are still smiling and patient, and glad you
    have a flooring guy who cares and is trying his best to get it right..........
    Remodeling is exciting but definitely needs patience for sure. We went thru a lot 9 yrs. or so ago when our house was a year before we were totally back to I hear ya...........but also had lots of
    great opportunities to show love, kindness, patience and prayers..........

    Hope the next things they try works well..........will be praying for that.
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. What an utter nightmare! You poor thing!
    They clearly do not do a quality job, and I would fire them and try to find someone better.
    This sort of repeated incompetence is unacceptable, as are the excuses they make, hoping to get you to accept a shoddy job.
    I've gone through things like this and it is aggravating and heartbreaking. My empathy. You should get a beautiful floor without worker-induced flaws.

  5. Oh my goodness, I'm not sure that my husband and I would still be smiling. They are lucky to be working for you. So glad they are willing to keep at it until it's right though. :)

  6. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a it was said in The Help..."You is Smart"! You spoke up and took pictures. And you are so lucky to have good people...I've had some say it wasn't their problem or just never come back.

    Wishing you all the best, Cindy!


  7. Oh..I bet you are frustrated, but on a good note atleast the floor guy is standing behind his work for you. I am sure that the end result, all be it a long haul to get there, will be just wonderful!

  8. Wow, what a mess. This is why we used flooring ready to go down without the mess. Next time they will listen when a woman speaks.

  9. Wow, you guys have been going thru a ringer....I have my fingers crossed that this will get finished soon to your satisfaction....but let me say this. I do not have a contractors license, but I have refinished wood floors and about 50 pieces of wood furniture and you my female blogger were exactly right. He missed a spot when he was spreading the poly....and he failed to do a proper cleanup before his last attempt, and he doesn't know jack about keeping his work area clean and do not spill stain on floors. With regards to the poly...he should have touched it up right then and there when the area was wet and it was pointed out to him. I have my fingers crossed that his touch up won't be noticeable but if it is it's time for you to get rude, I'm afraid. It also might be time to remind him that if the service cannot be completed to your satisfaction then you can always go elsewhere and he can stick it...I apologize to you if this is a family member or a friend but...Wow. he needs to step it up! Even I have done better then that...and I'm a klutz!

  10. Cindy! Thank goodness they are sticking with it to make it right.

    I had a floor man who had constant issues with our upstairs floors years ago. It bubbled each time. They screened that floor about six times. Finally got it right. I hope they get yours right, too.

    Hang in there!



  11. God love you ... I know how you feel! I had our garage floor done ...... it had to be done four times before they got it right!!! but, by golly, I am a happy gal now!! Praying with and for you, Dear One!

  12. Soooo frustrating, I'm sure. It's going to be a beautiful floor, that's for sure. We had (have?) a similar problem in our kitchen. I'd love to have a company come in ,sand and varnish the floor but hubs does it. (-$). It could look SO much better if it were done professionally. Oh well. Take care and have a good day. Good luck with the floor. Susan

  13. OMG, what an ordeal! I am glad the floor man is standing by his word. Sometimes it's a trying experience. I hope adding the sealer to the missed spots resolves itself. We do want our floors beautiful. I am sure you want your room back, so you can decorate and live in the space again. xo

  14. Oh Cindy I'm so sorry! There is just nothing like having your new stuff not turn out perfect :( I feel your pain totally. I hope and pray it's all ok now and you can soon be done with this stage - and that you can someday laugh about it?!!

  15. Oh my word, I would be screaming and pulling my hair out! (if I had some to pull!!) That is ridiculous. I think they need to lay a whole new floor....

  16. You are much more patient than I am! We have had our whole first floor tile replaced with wood and it was a challenge, no doubt. So sorry you're having such trouble! Hopefully this time will be the charm!

  17. I'm so sorry you are experiencing some problems... But it often happens when renovating. My brand new dining-room dining-room window began leaking after the violent December storm we had and again with the second storm... So the carpenter came back yesterday, and they'll have to reseal everything... But for that to happen, we need dry weather and we're expecting an other storm tonight!
    Keep smiling, it'll end well!

  18. Cindy, You're a better woman than I am. I'd be grumbling by now. Love the color of the floor, and they'll be gorgeous when they're finished.

  19. How frustrating! I would be a basket case by now. Good luck on the last try!


  20. oh gosh...what a mess! So sorry that happened to you. I know that was heart wrenching!! They'll get it right, I am sure! (they are beautiful by the way. I love the Cherry)


  21. Oh, I would be PO'ed! I would have asked for a major discount. Sounds like they don't know what they're doing. I hope that when they try to apply it over the spots, it looks okay. It's like painting a piece of furniture and missing a spot. Suddenly, you've got to do it all over again because it's not going to look smooth with one area "off." Keep us posted!

  22. Oh my gosh! What a nightmare! I can't believe they messed up so many times. Thankfully they are not arguing over fixing it. But it definitely is going to be gorgeous by the end!

  23. How blessed your workers are to have such a kind and patient soul as you are.
    It will be beautiful in the end Cindy....such a lovely colour!
    Sending you hugs and knowing that you are such a light to your workers...your kindness speaks volumes.

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxo


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